Geronimo Stilton Wiki

In the original Italian publication order of the Geronimo Stilton book series, Il misterioso ladro di formaggi (Italian title) (written by Elisabetta Dami and first published in the year 2005 by Edizioni Piemme (an Italian book published)) is the thirty-third book. Later, on August 1st 2007, Scholastic translated the book into English as The Mysterious Cheese Thief. It was the thirty-first Geronimo Stilton book Scholastic translated.


I, Geronimo Stilton am not a big fan of spooky things! But when the Stilton cheese went disappearing all around me, I had to do something. Could I find the Mysterious Cheese Thief, or I was in for a big Scare? Putrid cheese puffs, what an adventure!

